Lexember 15, 2023

Lexember 15, 2023

Welcome to the Lexember Challenge!

Every year, conlangers can take the opportunity for the month of December to challenge ourselves to add a new word to our conlang’s lexicon.

What word have you coined today? Any cultural or associated worldbuilding notes? Tell us about your inspiration!


One thought on “Lexember 15, 2023

  1. More Kofnea-Kolos, just worse-formatted than usual:


    1. gamhrt or gamharit yeshchm, yeshngamhrt – sea-swallowed, referring to the remaining days or ten-days in the sequence of winter which are cut off by the vernal equinox, or in some cases, referring to someone born on a day that appeared the year of their birth but not in the year of the birth “week” they are celebrating
    2. gamhrt or gamharit yonchm, yonngamhrt – sun-swallowed, referring to the remaining days or ten-days in the sequence of spring which are cut off by the estival solstice, or in some cases, referring to someone born on a day that appeared the year of their birth but not in the year of the birth “week” they are celebrating
    3. gamhrt or gamharit chouchm, chotngamhrt – night-swallowed, referring to the remaining days or ten-days in the sequence of autumn which are cut off by the hibernal equinox, or in some cases, referring to someone born on a day that appeared the year of their birth but not in the year of the birth “week” they are celebrating
    4. gamhrt or gamharit uuhwe, uuhwengamhrt – grey-swallowed, referring to the remaining days or ten-days in the sequence of summer which are cut off by the autumnal solstice, or in some cases, referring to someone born on a day that appeared the year of their birth but not in the year of the birth “week” they are celebrating
    5. shengourre – month
    6. yonourre – day’s worth
    7. gamha – to swallow, to consume (without destroying)
    8. shengshen – night light
    9. shusheng – moonlight
    10. prepitar – thread
    11. prepitaa – to sew
    12. eshishirit, eshishiirt – a gift not tied to a formal occasion

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