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Category: Community Announcements

New Comment Subscription Plugin

New Comment Subscription Plugin

Replyable is awesome! But also currently dead and not responding to Support tickets, so I’ve installed a new comment subscription plugin. If you have any trouble with it, feel free to comment here or otherwise ping me.

Replyable – Comment and Post Subs and Notifications is Down

Replyable – Comment and Post Subs and Notifications is Down

The latest upgrade broke the site, so I’ve temporarily disabled the plugin while I investigate. Thank you for your patience and understanding! ETA: Apparently, this issue is for all users of this plugin. I’ll be hunting around for a version that works both with this version of WordPress and doesn’t have the big known site-crashing bugs. I’ll post when I get these back working again. It could be a few days.



There was a spam block issue preventing notification emails going to anyone other than the sender, thus preventing my ability to replicate the issue. Email notifs might work now that it’s been addressed.

No Luck

No Luck

Comment notifications apparently haven’t always been going out, but I can’t find anything wrong in the setup or failed to send logs. I’ll try upgrading all plugins this weekend and hope that helps.



We’ve been having spam issues. I’ve cleaned up the posts, kicked the offenders, and updated all non-posting authors and new users to subscriber status, who can read and comment. If a known commenter would like to upgrade to make posts, please ask on the mod post.

Ideas for new challenges

Ideas for new challenges

Hi! As you can see, there’s no weekly challenge this week (I ran out of time, I couldn’t even participate in the last days of the last week challenge). I hope to start a new challenge new week, but I’m looking for ideas. Remember that you can also organise a challenge yourself, but if you prefer that I organise it, no problem: just leave a comment with your idea!

Due to Ongoing Comment Issues

Due to Ongoing Comment Issues

I have for the time being bumped permissions up on our most active users to “Editor”. Do not abuse this. Do not edit other people’s posts. I have history turned on so I can keep an eye on things.

Ping a Mod!

Ping a Mod!

Having trouble with sign in? Want a comment deleted? Need help figuring something out or seen something you want looked at? Comment here and we’ll get right on it. Want to make a top-level post for your conlang or a conlanging activity and can’t? Please comment here. Will only grant posting access to those with a good comment history.

On Dreamwidth

On Dreamwidth

Crosspost Dreamwidth: Posts Feed on Dreamwidth: Comments Feed on Dreamwidth: None of these sync comments to their posts. But the feeds use Dreamwidth’s built-in processing for RSS, so they will always be up to date, even if you can’t post to them or comment on them and have it update original posts anywhere else.

On the crossposter…

On the crossposter…

So crossposting is working through my least favorite of the crossposting plugins. It doesn’t sync comments, doesn’t really update edited posts. It also doesn’t crosspost categories, only tags. Nevertheless, it does work without completing wiping out the WP screen in error messages afterward. While another crossposter works better and technically works despite the error messages, the error messages are just too many and make using the WordPress dashboard painful, so since I want everyone to be able to post, I…

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Crossposting woes

Crossposting woes

Both crossposting plugins worked perfectly when I first tested them both. Now neither of them is behaving correctly. I’ll try and get that fixed before end of the weekend.