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Letter/symbol frequency?

Letter/symbol frequency?

One of the other writing hobbies I have is lipograms–text that excludes a common letter of the alphabet. In English, the most commonly used letter is E, which makes it the hardest to exclude, and most often used in these kinds of challenges. There’s information about other languages here; often, vowels are the most common letter. I have a few short sample texts in my language, so I ran them through this frequency analyzer to see which were the most…

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On Dreamwidth

On Dreamwidth

Crosspost Dreamwidth: Posts Feed on Dreamwidth: Comments Feed on Dreamwidth: None of these sync comments to their posts. But the feeds use Dreamwidth’s built-in processing for RSS, so they will always be up to date, even if you can’t post to them or comment on them and have it update original posts anywhere else.