The Dumb Week – Day 2
This is the second day of The Dumb Week challenge, which consists of translating grammatically correct sentences that make no sense. Today’s sentence is:
The sickingly prodigous profile is a storyteller without equal.
Translate it to your conlang(s) and, optionally, include the IPA transcription, the gloss or other information. Thank you for participating!
One thought on “The Dumb Week – Day 2”
Slightly late, but I got to it: (Firen)
The sickeningly prodigious profile is a storyteller without equal.
Sůggotogosdi kůdekapzuffutadoskza geddasůddo gůnaṙserigodaohantoitaza.
/sɵ́gːo.tó.gós.di kɵ.de.káp.zúɸːu.tá gédːa.sɵ́dːo gɵ.nɑ́ɚ.sé.ʀi.gó.daʊ.hán.tó.i.tá.za/
sůggo-to-gos-di ků-de-kap-zuffu-tadosk-za gedda-sůddo gů-naṙ-seri-godao-han-to-i-ta-za
sick-making-one_characterized_by-INS PRES.HAB-very-good-omen-to_be;DISS-A3I strike-form(I) PRES.CONT-without-sameness-story-speak-er-person-to_be.IND-A3I
There are quite possibly a couple mistakes in this, particularly as regards vowel harmony and accent placement.