The Dailies. October 15

The Dailies. October 15

Did you work on your language today? Create any new rules of grammar or syntax? New progress on a script? New words in your lexicon?

On the other hand, do any excavating or reading or enjoying stuff you’ve already created? Do you have any favorites to share?

How did you conlang today?


10 thoughts on “The Dailies. October 15

  1. I successfully finalized a verbal noun grammar thingy that I had been toying around with lately. The idea is that some verbs can be made into “the one who does X.”

    Here is the rule:
    mo + root + gender marker


    lhiret (lhired-) v. to heal; improve; mend
    molhiredi-u n. masc, -fem healer

    baduno (badun-) v. to ride a horse
    mobaduni-u n. masc, -fem horse(back) rider

    1. Oooh! I love it! Molhiredi is a word I’d use a lot in my storyworlds and I love how it rolls off the tongue.

      I like the grammar of it too. The closest I have to that would be -a:sh. So baga: means “to love” and iba:sh is “one’s love, or companion in a romantic relationship.” (It irregularly drops the -g-.) For a more regular example, it’d be ngdahe, meaning “to be intimate or naked together”, turning into ingda:sh, “one’s lover”.

      1. Intriguing. I envision the culture of the Kalanune to be that of a healing race since they do have a close connection with the spirit and energy of the world around them. 

        Ooh! Ooh! I just thought of the perfect greeting for the Kalanune! You know how in Na’vi, the greeting is, “I see you.” I want a similar greeting; however, for the Kalanune it will be, “I sense (feel) you.” Haha! Brilliant! Thank you for the (indirect) inspiration!

        Now the people who speak Dhakhsh [ ðæxʃ ] – that’s a different story. Not sure where to go with them yet.

        1. Your welcome! I like the sound of that and the cultural implications. And I love their name. Kalanune. Do either of those people names mean anything particularly?

          1. Kalanune is the plural of kalanu which means “person.” I don’t particularly like it; however, it still feels like it fits. It’s a weird relationship.

            EDIT: I think I will tweak the meaning of kalanu, only because I like the name of the people as Kalanune, I didnt llike how I defined it as merely, well, “people.” Much thinking to ensue.

            As far as Dhakhsh, that is merely the endonym of the language spoken by a different population on another continent. I have named this continent Shardhelikh [ˈʃær.ðə.ˌlɯx] which is the same continent the Kalanune call Kashti.

  2. I finally settled on prefix order when both the da- locative prefix and the vi- nonpresent prefix appear on the same verb. I went with vi- being actually incorporated into the verb stem and da- being a proper prefix, making the latter appear first or more externally.

    Which means that “a thousand years from now” is now correctly adavinlangueto, instead of the original avidanlangueto.

    And you get things like davibuga:sha, “back when I used to love you”, vs. adavibuga:sha, “when I was the one who loved you”.

    Complex verbs! They’re coming along.

      1. You’ve got other areas of grammar I’ve yet to poke at. I find that polysynthetic languages don’t develop in the same order as other languages for me.


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