Lexember 15
Welcome to the Lexember Challenge!
Every year, conlangers can take the opportunity for the month of December to challenge ourselves to add a new word to our conlang’s lexicon.
What word have you coined today? Any cultural or associated worldbuilding notes? Tell us about your inspiration!
6 thoughts on “Lexember 15”
So I have learned that the Chulotti use some level of honorifics and formality differentiation and also some of the variations on pronunciation and usage. I’ll deal with that more in January I feel.
Nice, I like it. I don’t have much of honorifics etc in Laesh-enne, but I need to make some honorifics and things for a different story soon so I’ve been reading a little about it.
Today i wanted to invent the word “toy”. And I decided I want Laesh-enne to have compound nouns, so I invented the word ‘thing’: etsæm.
And, calqued from Swedish ‘leksak’ (plaything), then I made nænetsæm for toy. I guess technically it’s a calque of plaything, too, haha, but that’s not why I wanted to do it that way.
ēndē: to make, constitute. (Not “create” as in “I make a pie,” but as in “flour and eggs make batter.”)
Which gives rise to the proverb from yesterday, Būēndēfo andem ifdi kōēm. “One thousand grains of sand do not make a boulder.” (People are individuals, not parts of a homogeneous society or demographic.)
That’s a very useful word! Also I like that proverb.
Firen’s root for today is:
smůṙtta, to hide (agentive-transitive), to encipher (strictly divalent).
Related: smůṙttaitif, a cipher, a code.
This is the first time I’ve had two senses of a single verb root have different agreement paradigms, though this isn’t entirely a notable thing. It was bound to happen sooner or later. I didn’t have a system for notating it in my lexicon, though.
A usage note on “to hide”: I think that “to hide from” would be translated using the evitative case, which so far in my notes is only described as referring to obstacles in an action of travel, or to places where a described object is specifically not located. (Without saying it came from there, which is what elative or ablative are for.) This is therefore a new use, sort of like an antibenefactive, I suppose.