Lexember 20
Welcome to the Lexember Challenge!
Every year, conlangers can take the opportunity for the month of December to challenge ourselves to add a new word to our conlang’s lexicon.
What word have you coined today? Any cultural or associated worldbuilding notes? Tell us about your inspiration!
9 thoughts on “Lexember 20”
So I’ve been laid up sick and am behind, but to make up for it, a few Chulotti words:
I really like the first one. Persian also does the same where a different word for “yes” is used in response to a negative question. Interestingly, that word is also the question word for “why.”
Thanks! I do think that’s interesting… Hm. I was inspired by our own old “yea / yes” and “nay / no” in English to be honest, and all the different ways of saying yes in Japanese.
I missed yesterday, so I’ll do two words today:
kate, head
not, bug, insect (especially a flying one)
I can now also derive a word meaning “headache”: katepitta, to suffer from a headache (patientive-intransitive). I’m not sure if there’ll be a noun like the English one, yet.
But, in any case, gůkatepittadeskti denimtifdi, (I have a very bad headache (lit. “I head-hurt with very bad”)) so that’ll be it for conlanging for me for now.
How fun! I like.
dwā: to enter
loshan (loshan-) [lo.ˈʃɑn]
I really love this!