Lexember 30

Lexember 30

Welcome to the Lexember Challenge!

Every year, conlangers can take the opportunity for the month of December to challenge ourselves to add a new word to our conlang’s lexicon.

What word have you coined today? Any cultural or associated worldbuilding notes? Tell us about your inspiration!


22 thoughts on “Lexember 30

  1. I have a cold so today’s word is:

    eršō = sick, ill, unwell

    I feel like this word would be used for “lighter” illness. Colds, tummy aches, maybe even hangovers. Not for, like, serious diseases. But we’ll see.

    1. Nům gůsůggadesk dosnimtifdi. Gůpittadeskfi navan lozzaosučo.
      (“Being sick is awful. It pains me that I cannot heal you.”)

      ^ My attempt at expressing sympathy in Firen. I might have overdone it?

  2. I’ve spent most of this month being eršō, but since I usually did more than one word when I did do them, I’m doing a compilation post to see if I met 31 for an average of one per day.

    I’m at 28 words in 4 languages. Just need to do three more between now and end of tomorrow. That can be done. 😀


    1. ishkalahe • [ iʃ.k.’laɛ.hɛ ] • n. one’s committed significant other, their culture’s equivalent of a beloved wife, lit. “blood of my heart”
    2. sheko • [ ʃɛ.ko ] • n. blood; that which carries life, e.g. a river is the “blood” of a city
    3. okeletos • [ ok.ɛ.’lɛt.os ] • n. 1. sworn oaths or vows; 2. chain, whether for jewelry, machinery, etc.; 3. archaic. slavery or servanthood.
    4. sosen • [ ‘so.sɛn ] • adj. spicy, flavorful and with moderate heat
    5. pakosunn • [ pɑk.os.’un: ] • n. 1. travelers; 2. caravanners; 3. nomadic people groups or members of them.
    6. mendit • [ ‘mɛn.dit ] • n. a traditional spicy food dish served at festivals and certain special occasions, such as homecomings
    7. ahlotef • [ aɦ.’lot.ɛf ] • adj. vulgar. having sex, used as a swear word


    1. aekh • [ aəç ] • interj., no or hardly, with incredulity, disbelief, or other strong feeling of negative surprise
    2. a’kcht • [ ɑʔxt ] • part., yes, in response to a positively framed question
    3. mikach • [ mi.’kɑtʃ ] • n. period of young adulthood or adolescence immediately following childhood, generally during which physical development still occurs, the exact window of which varies by region and culture, e.g. in Southern Chulotti culture, this is generally before the age of adulthood, but in Northern Chulotti, it is generally applied until one is married or shielded, see dainye
    4. ahlet • [ ‘ɑɦ.lət ] • n. a initial period of training and mastery of a given skill, during which proficiency is gained but not expected and mistakes are often plentiful
    5. dainye, -i • [ ‘dain.jɛ ] • adj., n., shield arm, in reference to the Chulotti warrior tradition of swearing loyalty and partnership to a fellow warrior, to fight and stand beside each other until death; commonly called shield brother, brother in arms, or shield arm in translation, sometimes simply shield. These partners are considered as family and take an active role in caring for and/or training each other’s children and caring for each other’s elderly when necessary.
    6. ipoka • [ i.’po.kə ] • n. vulgar. imbecile, fool
    7. feyeg • [ ‘fej.əg ] • n. vulgar. serpent’s tongue, analogous to “bull”
    8. bagoka • [ ‘bɑg.o.kə ] • n. the name of the mythological wilderness of emptiness where souls wander without food, water, or ability to die in Chulotti mythology; frequently used as a curse or swear word
    9. mikhe • [ mi.xə ] • adj. pretty; having fine, sharp features; generally associated with women more than men, especially young women
    10. alee • [ ɑ.’lɨ ] • adj. beautiful, connoting something of great value
    11. isak • [ ‘i.sɑk ] • n. ignorant person, a “know-nothing”
    12. ka’ati • pron. inf. between equals, yours
    13. ati • pron. your
    14. kautati, kauta’ati • pron. inf. respectful to higher status referent/addressee, yours
    15. bokes • [ ‘bok.əs ], [ ‘bok.ɪs ] • particle., yes (in response to a negative question); compare a’kcht, used in response to a positive question
    16. sasi • [ ‘sɑ.si ] • n. daughter of one’s shield arm or dainyi
    17. mase, -i • [ ‘mɑ:.sə ] • adj., n. female adopted protegee, one being trained as heir despite not being a blood-born relative; legally treated as family, but socially and for marital purposes considered still a member of one’s own birth family
    18. amasau’ta • [ ɑm.ə.’saʊʔ.tə ] • n. adopted mother/trainer/mentor one is trained as heir to where there is no blood relation; considered a family and parental figure but in addition to the trainee’s birth family and parents
    19. ik • [ ik ] • pron. 3rd person, informal, singular

    Aban (Kachan):

    1. he • [ he ] • part. yes, yeah, that’s so, lit. truth


    1. emausa • [ ɛ.’maʊ.sa ] • n. the Baganechi “year-day”, equivalent to the celebrating of a birthday, on which the person whose emausa it is has the right to claim one possession from the band or family treasury (or communal possessions) as their own; for kosnechi, or the “taken” or adopted, this is celebrated annually on the date they were brought into the family (itself a first emausa where they are permitted to claim three personal possessions), whereas for usnechi, or the “born” members of the family, it is celebrated on the anniversary of their first formal contribution to the treasury.


    1. Wow, great job!


      I really like Sikunn morphology/derivations. Reminds me a bit of Arabic with the vowels changing in derived/related forms.

      Some great worldbuilding for Chulotti there! I also love the different “yes” answers depending on the type of question.

      That Baganechi “birthday” tradition is really interesting too.

      1. Thank you! I haven’t figured out all of Sikunn’s patterns yet, but I knew that was the direction I wanted to go when the first two words I got were Sikunn the people and Saken the adjective. I had actual fun with all that worldbuilding. So much more to do. The Baganechi thing came up from the same. I’ve got a character with a Chulotti father and a mother who’s Republican and taken Baganechi who still ends up passing along a few bits and pieces of that legacy.

  3. And here goes one:


    1. kolann • [ ko.lan: ] • n. 1. category of ancient warrior wielding spears or other type of lance-like melee weapon; 2. organized infantry or mounted infantry, outfitted with modern-day individual-carry directed-energy weapons (modern “spears”) or other melee weapons and firearms; 3. a desert region somewhat southeast within the Ogunn Block, which mostly edges the main trade route of the continent and home to a variety of ethnic groups and historical nations; 4. adj. belonging to the Kolann Guard, founded by mounted infantry warriors of several disciplines and multiple ethnic groups in the first coalition militant body of the modern day Kolann region

    Just two words tomorrow and Lexember will not have been a fail.

  4. Lortho:

    • daret (dared-) [ˈdɑ.ɾɛt] v.t.


      1. (cooking) to crush (usu. grains) by rolling (e.g. w/ a roller mill)
      2. to utterly defeat (someone) in battle or other contest


    • modaredi, -u [mo.dɑ.ˈɾɛ.di, -u] n. masc, -fem


      1. victor, champion
  5. kaffaṙlattaoaba, to schedule, to predict (lit. “to make divisions in the future”) (Agentive-transitive)

    I’ve been trying to make new roots for Lexember, but I think this is a good derived word, so I’m happy with it.


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