The Dailies. April 30

The Dailies. April 30

Did you work on your language today? Create any new rules of grammar or syntax? New progress on a script? New words in your lexicon?

On the other hand, do any excavating or reading or enjoying stuff you’ve already created? Do you have any favorites to share?

How did you conlang today?


One thought on “The Dailies. April 30

  1. Nahul:

    chenu (n) village in the temperate south, inhabited in summer
    tagan (n) (place of) residence
    tagoth (n) origin
    (The verb lo-tag has two meanings depending on preposition: Tagai koth Nahilekh means ‘I live in Nahilekh’, while Tagai phagá Nahilekh means ‘I come from Nahilekh (originally)’.)
    tagan-khesot (n) lit. ‘residence town’, this is the term for one of the nine “official cities” of the South-West Continent. Might be best transcribed as “capital city”. -The political entities in the central, winter-inhabited part on the South-West Continent are similar to the citystates of the North-East Continent, but the people in the former seem to think of them a bit differently. Less “city plus hinterland”, more “territory with a central place where the rulers live”.
    enenim khesot (n) ‘small town’. When you need to specify that you’re talking about a smaller town, none of those official cities.

    nér (n) slave. For historical or metaphorical/poetical use. Object form nérel, plural na-nér.
    lo-neron (v) to enslave (sb); neroná miel, ‘I enslaved someone’,neronlá ga miel, ‘I was enslaved by someone’.
    neroth (v) slavery

    Neronlekas! We will be enslaved!
    Neronekas bubik! We will enslave them!
    Neronledekas zevi! We will never be enslaved!

    Eoi mamai chuharakim gosumem, da eoi neroth chuharakes fenatoi.
    War is the greatest disruption, and slavery is the greatest heresy.

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