The Dailies. May 2

The Dailies. May 2

Did you work on your language today? Create any new rules of grammar or syntax? New progress on a script? New words in your lexicon?

On the other hand, do any excavating or reading or enjoying stuff you’ve already created? Do you have any favorites to share?

How did you conlang today?


4 thoughts on “The Dailies. May 2

  1. I just realised belatedly that of course I took the name for the ethnicity Werlan on the South-West Continent from the French backwards-slang Verlan. Whoops! Oh, well, maybe I can pretend I totally meant to.

    Today I have two new roots in Nahul, with several derivations.

    cha [ʃa] (n) break; split
    lo-chá [lɔ’ʃɑ:] (v) (tr.) to break, to split. Irregular. Past tense: chá, chané, chanó, chares, charek, charár. Present tense: chai (a homonym of the word for ‘sun’), chanei, chanoi, charech, charekh, chararí. The intransitive meaning present in the English equivalent is expressed through the (also irregular) passive instead: chaló, ‘it broke’, just like in Swedish. The imperative form is ma-chei. Negative imperative: ma-chedei.
    re-chá(perf part) broken; re-chaïm os ‘the broken table’.

    lo-jeng [lɔ’dʒɛŋ](v) (tr.) to trust (someone); jengá gien [ʒɛŋgɑ: gi’ɛn] ‘I trusted you’
    lo-gojeng (v) to distrust, to suspect
    jengoth (n) trust, confidence (in someone else)
    gojengoth (n) mistrust, distrust; also suspicion, being suspicious of someone

    lo-chajeng (v) to betray
    chajengoth (n) betrayal, treason, faithlessness
    chajengil (adj) traitorous, faithless, treacherous
    echajeng (n) traitor, betrayer

    Chaló ró koth fenekhat. The sword was broken in the battle.
    Machedei osat ni! Don’t break the table!
    Ma-jong inek! Trust me!
    Majodeng hona-dengel ni! Don’t trust those people!
    Chajengó enná na-waleló. The father betrayed his children.
    Chajenglár na-wal ga ennálár/ennaëlár. The children were betrayed by their father.
    Chajengedekas ruan zevi! We will never betray you [pl.]!

    1. Oooh! I love all of these and how the meanings work together with the inflections. I’m constantly in awe of your detail though, and love the sentences!

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