The Dailies. June 14, 2020
Did you work on your language today? Create any new rules of grammar or syntax? New progress on a script? New words in your lexicon?
On the other hand, do any excavating or reading or enjoying stuff you’ve already created? Do you have any favorites to share?
How did you conlang today?
5 thoughts on “The Dailies. June 14, 2020”
I just recently got a new brush pen, (actually 3, but I was mostly using the hardest one) so I had to re-learn how to write baofusk after like 2 years. (The random english words in the top left were there already, but the rest of the page was blank, and it’d be a waste to just leave it that way). I was also refining the stroke order for all of these characters, and considering possible alternate shapes for some that proved more difficult to draw legibly, but I didn’t make any decisions.
Also, the filesystem I had most of my notes on got corrupted somehow so I haven’t been able to work on it much since, though I had all of the notes for the Firen project (and most of my other ones as well) safely mirrored elsewhere, so they weren’t lost, just much less accessible. I think I’ve recovered everything now, though, so I’ll be able to get back into things properly again.
Glad you could recover it! I’ll see if I can figure out what’s up with the plugin shortly.
Alright, I just hosted it. I needed to fix this part of my server anyway, and this provided as good a reason as any.
Also, the very first n and m I wrote, which is the top-rightmost instance of these
, are beautiful and I could not reproduce that particular wave shape no matter how many times I tried. You can see all the squiggles of other attempts, and they’re all worse. Life is just like that, sometimes.
Huh, the picture didn’t post. I’m not sure what’s up with that, but I might have to host it and link it
Sorry it didn’t post. You can also upload it here on a post (or media I think) and link to it.