The Dailies. September 28, 2021
Did you work on your language today? Create any new rules of grammar or syntax? New progress on a script? New words in your lexicon?
On the other hand, do any excavating or reading or enjoying stuff you’ve already created? Do you have any favorites to share?
How did you conlang today?
2 thoughts on “The Dailies. September 28, 2021”
Some new words for Nahul! Mostly derivations and compounds, almost all nouns.
From existing verbal root heg-, ‘write’, we now get:
eheg (n) ‘writer, author; scribe’
hegan (n) ‘document, piece of writing; written work of some kind’
Putting these two with monel, ‘time’, leads to:
monelhegan (n) ‘history’; ‘chronicles’
moneleheg (n) ‘historian/history writer’ (same thing for the Nahul)
Now, putting menu, ‘book, with gam, ‘collection’ (identical to the verbal root gam-, ‘to collect’):
menugam (n) ‘library’
menugamsotal (n) (sometimes) ‘librarian’
menunogau (n) ‘librarian’ (lit. ‘book master’; this is the more common word in use)
menusotal (n) ‘bookseller; book peddler’
ragul (n) ‘pen’ Class II, obj. form raglat, genitive raglet, nominative plural phi-ragul
ragulsotal (n) possibly a more casual word for ‘writer’; possibly something more like ‘clerk’
mel (n) ‘leaf’; also means ‘leaf of paper; sheet of paper’ Class II, obj. melat, genitive melet, nominative plural phi-mel
kinachsotal (n) 1) ‘papermaker’, from kinach, ‘paper’ + –sotal; 2) ‘paper seller’
patuki (n) ‘fame’ – a loanword
patukin (adj) ‘famous’
Eoi Aiviel patukin kolu hegó Nahilekhet monelheganat.
‘Aiviel (=name) is famous because she wrote the history of (the city) Nahilekh.’
Or: Eoi Aiviel patukin kolu hegó monelheganat non Nahilekhat.
‘Aiviel is famous because she wrote a history over Nahilekh.’
Aiviel literally means ‘little rain’ (fiel is ‘rain’); I decided this to be a girl’s name.
Incidentally, “aiviel” is an instance where two phonological rules clash. The diminutive prefix ai- normally leads to loss of tonality of a following consonant, if tonality applies to it; also loss of nasality in a nasal consonant. It’s only /m/, /n/, /b/, /d/,/g/, and /s/ that are affected, I think. Based on this you would expect the phoneme /v/ to also be affected and turn into /f/. However, another phonological rule says that /f/ and /v/ are complementary: /f/ in other positions turns into /v/ in intervocalic position. Since *aifiel has an intervocalic /f/, it becomes aiviel instead. In other words, it turns out the F & V rule is stronger than the ai- rule.
(Thankfully I didn’t have to decide this yesterday when I was rather tired and ready to post this comment already. The existing word aivenekh, ‘match in a teamsport’, lit. ‘little battle’, reminded me I had made this decision already in the past as to which rule was the stronger.)
I love getting some good writing vocabulary going! And I really love the extrapolations here into library, bookseller, etc.
I love pre-written rules being of assistance too! That’s a pretty name.