The Dailies. October 28, 2021
Did you work on your language today? Create any new rules of grammar or syntax? New progress on a script? New words in your lexicon?
On the other hand, do any excavating or reading or enjoying stuff you’ve already created? Do you have any favorites to share?
How did you conlang today?
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I’ve spent so much time reading and noodling, I didn’t have anything solid for a bit until today.
With some exceptions, typically traditional, there’s a strong tendency to use the adjectival portion of the name in daily life or the entire noun-adjective name. So Night Quiet has to tell Void Blooming he goes by Night and not Quiet and Blossom (of) Peach, with a traditionally front-leading name, is nicknamed to Peaches by her suitor. This goes for both the Nar and the Kofu.
For the war clans, the band name tends to be used in military-type contexts. Showing your marks is different than saying your marks, in which you’ll provide clan and the source of your derived clan duty. While both of these are available from showing one’s marks, the visual marks provide more information.
For Nar, somewhere we’ve got:
These used as adjectival-name postpositions grammaticalized to male / female gendered endings.
Some gender variations on adjectives:
Interestingly enough, these classes are not purely sex-based, since I’ve got women using names from Classes II and IV and men using names from Classes I and III, so far. My thinking here is that Class I basically derived originally from masculine, Class II from feminine, Class III from gods, forces, ascended things, etc., and Class IV is now (if not originally) the everything else bucket. Interestingly, Class III is considered neuter if any of them is. I have no idea yet what Class IV is nominally supposed to be.
Verbs definitely do not reify the classes. They inflect for animacy and grammatical number of the absolutive.
It’s been pretty obvious for a while that pre-Nar at least has a collective, in addition to singular and plural. Not sure if they have any other grammatical numbers going on. There’s definite generic and specific marking for animates, indefinite marking, and additional definites for gods, which generalized to social deixis in Kofnea.
For modern Kofnea: