The Dailies. March 2, 2023
Did you work on your language today? Create any new rules of grammar or syntax? New progress on a script? New words in your lexicon?
On the other hand, do any excavating or reading or enjoying stuff you’ve already created? Do you have any favorites to share?
How did you conlang today?
3 thoughts on “The Dailies. March 2, 2023”
The term includes both the festivals and events held at the capital and the ones set up in various other cities and villages to take advantage of clansmen traveling to and from the clans gathering.
Pretty sure all instances of tz should be ts, but alas, I’ll fix that later. That took a very long time to type up.
Ah, there’s the ground travel word! Inlitzon sounds really nice.
All these are wonderful! Three words for festivals! I love the different versions of the library shop concept. It’s so imaginative! And also that something more like a free-of-charge library/archive also exists. Interesting that there’s no obvious linguistic connection between isungamo and amikhisut.
And words for reference material and nonfiction books even!!
This is delicious. <333
And now I need one for water travel! Working… I think I’ve worked out why their travel words aren’t based on the words for ground and air, so I’ve got an idea of what I need to conlang to get there.
There is a linguistic connection between isungamo and amikhisut! Basically, the former came from isut ngamo, but lost the -t before it merged into one word. If ngamo had started with a fricative, it probably would’ve ended up isuth, just as inut went to inuth in inuthghra.