The Dailies. March 2, 2023

The Dailies. March 2, 2023

Did you work on your language today? Create any new rules of grammar or syntax? New progress on a script? New words in your lexicon?

On the other hand, do any excavating or reading or enjoying stuff you’ve already created? Do you have any favorites to share?

How did you conlang today?


3 thoughts on “The Dailies. March 2, 2023

    1. kanouangyel – gathering festivals, referring to additional clan events held during and immediately surrounding the period of the annual clans gathering. The established purpose of clans gathering is to renew vows of fealty between recognized clansmen and their band leaders and between band leaders and their clan leaders, and to hold a legislative session of the clan leaders, informed by the band leaders. In practice, this has always been the best opportunity to trade information and goods and to find potential marriage partners from a wider gene pool, especially for those who normally remain with their own band members and do not otherwise meet eligible marriage partners.

      The term includes both the festivals and events held at the capital and the ones set up in various other cities and villages to take advantage of clansmen traveling to and from the clans gathering.

    2. pmtzonige – trade festival, a temporary festive gathering of trade goods and information, usually held at or along the way to/from the annual clans gathering, where most of the nonregular interclans trade is done
    3. prtzonige – marriage festival, a temporary festive gathering with tiered entrance passes, set up with various events for means of meeting or selecting a spouse. Clan and band registrars are onsite to issue entrance passes, verify them for attendees, provide legal consultation, and issue marriage contracts. An entrance pass’s tier is indicative of the holder’s standing within their band and clan, for ease of quickly providing matching services by set criteria.
    4. prtzon – marriage, from an old word pret, “to tie”
    5. isungamo – official registrar, lit. “record-maker,” a person whose job it is to know the records and reputation of people within their domain of knowledge and to fill out or file official records of life events, e.g. birth records, marriage records, service records, recognition / ascension records, or academic records. Also isungamo ogefek, specifically a clan registrar, who provides these services in an official capacity and whose job it is to know personal information for the purposes of recommendation or vetting of anyone (on request) above the level of a band registrar and be able to requisition and make use of the information provided by band registrars within the clan.
    6. yaiue – season(s), referring to one or more of the four seasons from spring to winter
    7. go – service-oriented “shop,” usually small, where one buys goods or services to be consumed on-site
    8. gokients – library shop, a collection of books, media, and/or other records one can pay to access; usually tables and study areas are provided. Also gokientsabi, a library shop where one pays for copies of information but can freely peruse without making copies; both possibilities are common, where customers are expected to copy information themselves with their own materials and where the shop provides materials or summaries of information on request. Also gokientsar, a library shop where one pays an entrance fee and then can review information freely for the duration of their access. Copying rights vary by gokientsar.
    9. amikhisut – library, lit. “record house,” a building housing a (usually large) collection of books and records, which is at least partially free for the public to access. Areas with records belonging to particular institutions, bands, or clans may require proof of membership to enter and/or make use of the records.
    10. tatse, tata – dad or daddy
    11. inlitzon – ground travel, riding on an animal or in a vehicle between two discrete locations, generally under different ownership or control; inlithatzon, ground travel within one location, e.g. in-city ground travel; inlotzon, international ground travel
    12. paritotzon – international air travel
    13. ogiishr – reference or study materials, especially books
    14. ogiisut – nonfiction books and related materials

    Pretty sure all instances of tz should be ts, but alas, I’ll fix that later. That took a very long time to type up.

    1. Ah, there’s the ground travel word! Inlitzon sounds really nice.

      All these are wonderful! Three words for festivals! I love the different versions of the library shop concept. It’s so imaginative! And also that something more like a free-of-charge library/archive also exists. Interesting that there’s no obvious linguistic connection between isungamo and amikhisut.

      And words for reference material and nonfiction books even!!

      This is delicious. <333

      1. And now I need one for water travel! Working… I think I’ve worked out why their travel words aren’t based on the words for ground and air, so I’ve got an idea of what I need to conlang to get there.

        There is a linguistic connection between isungamo and amikhisut! Basically, the former came from isut ngamo, but lost the -t before it merged into one word. If ngamo had started with a fricative, it probably would’ve ended up isuth, just as inut went to inuth in inuthghra.


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