The Dailies. May 9, 2023

The Dailies. May 9, 2023

Did you work on your language today? Create any new rules of grammar or syntax? New progress on a script? New words in your lexicon?

On the other hand, do any excavating or reading or enjoying stuff you’ve already created? Do you have any favorites to share?

How did you conlang today?


3 thoughts on “The Dailies. May 9, 2023

  1. More Kofnea-Kolos words and terms, a lot of which are coming from me hitting up the first couple spates of Pre-Nar and looking at how those words came down. A few others are just trying to remember to look at derivations and how groups of words tend to get used.


    1. saghia – n. brother
    2. baeni – n. sister
    3. paitourre – n. provisions for one person, which includes food, equipment, housing, etc.
    4. paidalourre – n. 1. provisions, which includes food, equipment, housing, etc.; 2. wages or salary, e.g. paidalourre osaghrae means “wages are up” in a generic sense
    5. bemali – n. 1. colors; 2. dyes, paints, or sometimes other coloring materials
    6. baamba – n. contact card, a version which is able to serve as an identification card, esp. for unrecognized who are living independently. Notes: They have three main components: a writable surface on which one usually writes one’s name, an embedded ID for one’s personal communication device, and a printed glyph imbued with one’s personal contracts. While it’s entirely possible for someone to steal your communication device and contact card(s), the odds of doing so while having the same contracts with gods and those gods not immediately rendering divine judgment for mistreating their other child so badly are quite low, so a person of the right skillset and ability can use these to verify identity by using the device ID to contact the person, having them answer, and then comparing their contracts to the ones on the card. This makes it useful for those who are not yet recognized, so do not have verifiable marks on their shoulder yet, but are old enough to have confirmed their contracts and need to be able to verify their identity without going through their parents.
    7. amikhki (uts.), gin (ish.), gen (daan.) – n. room of a house or building
    8. baamtsnea – n. garment maker, stylist
    9. baamtse, -et, -es, -er – adj. 1. presenting oneself as; 2. currently expressing (a thought, feeling, idea, etc.)
    10. baamtson – n. 1. the action of presenting oneself as; 2. expression, as of creative expression or expressing oneself or communicating an idea, feeling, thought, etc.
    11. baamtsrt, baamtsarit – adj. 1. taken in by deception or manipulation; 2. well-dressed
    12. baamstarikue – adj. 1. gullible; 2. easily dressed up, looks good in anything; 3. good at putting on any appearance or giving off any presentation, i.e. socially adaptable; 4. good at lying
    13. baamtsgi – n. attire, incl. jewelry, clothes, makeup, perfumes or personal care items chosen for lingering scent or immediate effect on appearance
    14. soengam – n. clothing maker
    15. benmgam – n. maker of colors, whether dyes, inks, paints, etc.
    16. michm – n. 1. tool, 2. device, e.g. a communication or computer device, 3. a friend voluntarily designated as legally having familial rights and responsibilities, due to the closeness of the relationship. Which legal matters can be delegated to them varies from but overlaps with those of birth, marriage, duty, or adopted family
    17. vudeksnea – n. 1. bedmate; 2. sibling close enough in age to have shared the parents’ sideroom for some time as a small child; 3. friend close enough in age to not be any wiser or more mature for the difference
    18. vsne, bsne – adj. foreign
    19. hsne – adj. 1. young, 2. unfettered, carefree, 3. without duty, 4. foreign, not responsible or accountable to the clans
    20. yadahimoge – adj. musical, e.g. yadohimoge michm, “musical instrument”
    21. mitnea – n. friend (of choice)
    22. mitna – n. friendship (of choice)
    23. mishe (uts.), miche (ish.) – n. 1. arm, 2. will, 3. one’s strength and resources, e.g. uts. a mishe osol Vannu-wani ietse a mishe osol Paschtha-wani “the arm of the Vannu is with the arm of the Paschtha”, ish. a miche oksun Vannu-wani ietse a miche oksun Paschtha-wani 4. one’s skillset, e.g. he should strengthen his arm means he should improve his skills
    24. prtso – v. 1. to marry, 2. to form a contract with
    25. prtsorit, prtsort – adj. married (incl. widows and widowers, unless otherwise specified)
    26. prtsortre – adj. 1. unmarried; 2. without contracts, as of someone who inherited none at birth and has also not sought one out; 3. without confirmed contracts yet, usually due to being too young, with the implication of also being too young to have signed any mundane contracts; 4. very young and naive; 4. eschewing responsibility (viewed negatively)
    27. amikhngamo – (uts) n. 1. builder, 2. construction worker
    28. gengamo – (ish., daan.) n. 1. builder, 2. construction worker, specifically a worker who will add or remove rooms in existing buildings or do repairs, 3. repairman. Also gengamo buru “handyman”
    29. isunkuetre – adj. 1. inappropriate for polite company, 2. crude, 3. unspeakable, taboo; 4.  unrecordable. Originating from a category of activities the Knowing will not make a record or file of, e.g. sex, relieving oneself, etc.
    30. yadahimkue – adj. playable on a musical instrument
    31. yadahimkuetre – adj. unplayable on a musical instrument


  2. Very cool worldbuilding notes and a great new collection of words! The baamba notes are particularly intriguing.

    I feel like I can understand why mitsm from the other day was called that!

    ourre seems like a reoccurring nominal suffix?

    The sample sentences under michm are lovely!!

    I’m fascinated that baamstarikue can mean both ‘gullible’ and ‘good at lying’, among other things!

    Your words form a lovely forest that I just want to wander through! The phonology is as enticing as the semantics and the worldbuilding, and it all seems to hang together so well.

    1. Yay! Yes, a lot of words came out of one of my original roots that meant “arm.” It ended up leading to all kinds of words for friends, tools, skills, proximity, etc.

      -ourre means in essence “unit of measure,” but basically originated when I said to myself, I need the word unit. It looks a lot like “one it.” So kesourre was unit. Now, I attach whatever I want in the “ke” place and get all kinds of units of things that people measure by, starting with my idea of a “tennit,” a measurement of ten being aghourre, which ended up getting used all kinds of ways too. So there’s that.

      -chourre separately is a comparative suffix, with the related -chiaro being the superlative. Which I’m now apparently happy to attach as verb endings for rather interesting effects.

      I deeply love when words can end up having opposite meanings, see English “sanction,” and it comes naturally out of a combination of etymology and context. Though I should probably note that there is also intonation and language formality involved in figuring out which meaning is being applied.

      Thank you so much!

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