The Dailies. March 16, 2023
Did you work on your language today? Create any new rules of grammar or syntax? New progress on a script? New words in your lexicon?
On the other hand, do any excavating or reading or enjoying stuff you’ve already created? Do you have any favorites to share?
How did you conlang today?
3 thoughts on “The Dailies. March 16, 2023”
Okay, so jumping over to what I shall dub Early Brín for a hot minute, utilizing my trick for self of accenting stressed syllables for future me’s sake:
Plural for them is -al, -l.
They’ve got some transparent different-path from the same people group that settled the clans going, which makes a ton of sense. With only 5-7K initial human colonists, I’m pretty sure there were only a handful of different major cultures represented, despite several subcultures being there. This was the first very Nar migration, which encompassed who their world considers themselves as a single collective people.
Naming conventions are {same gender parent personal name}-sa {child personal name}-{father’s name last syllable}, so a daughter of Báidres (mother) and Shinogánn* (father) would be Baidresá Boshingánn, and a son of theirs would be Shinogánnsa Ishagánn. In personal situations they may be called simply Boshing and Isha, rather than tacking on the gánn.
*in this case the double nn serves to change the /a/ pronunciation to the a in cat rather
Yay!! Your imagination is so fecund, I love it. I’m particularly taken with the bracelet here, and I almost feel like I can picture the dunal (it would be dunal, right?) .
Thank you! And it would!