The Dailies. March 17, 2023
Did you work on your language today? Create any new rules of grammar or syntax? New progress on a script? New words in your lexicon?
On the other hand, do any excavating or reading or enjoying stuff you’ve already created? Do you have any favorites to share?
How did you conlang today?
4 thoughts on “The Dailies. March 17, 2023”
A few more for early Brín:
I like the sound of these words. They sound lowkey and mysterious in an appealing way.
Beldreni words! One with a bit of a sociopolitical importance.
nechin (n) copper
Chio Nechin (n) Copper River; one of the largest and longest northern rivers. Copper River is in the centre of the continent, with North River being westerly and Deer River being easterly
mofr, mofor (adj) fat, thick; mofr is the formal version. Syllabic /r/, /l/, and /n/ are popular in the formal register, but not in the neutral and familiar register.
ima (n) body (note: short i-sound!)
miios (n) greenery, vegetation. From mii, ‘green’
miōma or mōma (n) tree trunk (of course, tree trunks don’t tend to be very green, but what can you do?)
zhaima (n) tribe; conglomeration of clans – I want to talk more about the etymology of this word later, perhaps tomorrow. For now let me just say that tribes are significantly more unstable entities than clans, they have less day-to-day influence and power over people’s lives, and tend to be much more loosely organized. There is usually a tribal chief selected by the constituent clan chiefs, but only for a limited term of leadership – and every such chief knows full well that trying to swing your weight around is a near-sure way to getting prematurely ousted. (Under very exceptional circumstances a tribe leader can wield a lot of power.) People also don’t tend to identify much with their tribes, not at all like how they identify with clans, their summer territories, their winter citystates, and their local dialect.
Names of tribes are typically geographical, describing where the constituent clans’ summer territories are (mostly) located. The only tribe name I have so far is “West Copper Tribe”, or “Zhaima Nechin-ben”. (Literally Tribe Copper-West.) The tribe name comes from most of its clans having their summer territories west of the Copper River.
I like these a lot, and all the details based on how this world fits together!